The Evidence presented in Extracting Fish-Bones
From The Back Of The Despoiler was constructed by Greg
Goodman and Derek Bailey over many years of Exacting
Forensic Investigation, from 1980 in San Francisco at The
Great American Music Hall, to The Island of Great Britain,
where Derek lived, and later again (1990's) in The San
Francisco Bay Area at Woody Woodman's Finger Palace.
The last concluded a tour that funneled them by train up the
West Coast from California to Oregon, where this recording
of Fish-Bones took place (1992). It was planned to be
recorded again as a Suite at Woody Woodman's Finger
Palace, but that Particular Distillation was cancelled by
producer Woody Woodman after Derek suffered a crisis of
enjoyment employment.
This rediscovered sparkplug poetry is thus the last version of that hobnobbery recording and examination of all things invisibly visible. Both Derek and Greg are unrelenting storytellers, and Extracting Fish-Bones From The Back Of The Despoiler is a conversation with each telling the other how to tell a joke using the other's story.
"There is simply no piano-guitar duet piece like it, and some may not."
— Woody Woodman
Part 1: "The Mother Of The Crow" offers the backbone(s) of these stories told by peering in every direction with Special Ear Glasses, then tapping you on the shoulder and spinning you around to suggest a very divergent RE: View!
Part 2: "A Band Of Our Rats Will Each Morning Copiously Water Our Fleet (Take This Umbrella)" is Anybody's Guess, or Everybody's. It is likely that we all land in, or on, someone else's feet!
(The umbrella is probably not optional.)
Woody Woodman’s Finger Palace Tour
Recorded in performance, Eugene, Oregon, USA
September 12, 1992
All music edited and compiled by George Cremaschi
Mastered by Martin Seiwert
Produced by Woody Woodman
Titles and cover illustration from Jean de Bosschère, "The City Curious," 1920
All compositions by Derek Bailey and Greg Goodman (BMI) © & ℗ 2017